Book 2 OF Black Shonen titled Hollow Firma will be out by December 15, be prepared!
Trina Valentine
Trina Valentine has powers very similar to Tiana Forest. Both young women have the ability of alchemy. Alchemy is an ancient science were people thought you could change various materials into another material. for example, granite into gold. In the Black Shonen series, Trina use her alchemy to manipulate various parts of the earth to […]
The Mad Inventor
Since being a child, I have always been captured with the Mad Inventor Archetype. The character of a man who uses his twisted inventions to help him with his plans. This has always spoke to me so it naturally made sense to make a character in this light. When I made the Mad Inventor my […]
Book review of Into the Darkness by CT Scribe
I fully enjoyed the story. The Characters and cycle of Tye, Mari, and The Tall man keep the novel exciting and fresh. I think CT Scribe also did very well with the world building and how the organization of the Immortals function. I was also a big fan of Tye’s Weapons. I liked the pacing […]
If you go to WattPad and type in Black Shonen you can read several prequel stories before the novel and get a better understanding of the characters and story.
What is the Society of the Unknown?
The Society of the Unknown is a shadow government within Terra Firma. Their job is to investigate any paranormal threats upon Terra Firma. Their history is long and filled with bloodlust through the dimensions. In the past, the Society name could be equal to a death threat to the beings they chased, but as time […]
The Second Novel: Hollow Firma
The Second book focuses on the adventure of Hollow Firma, which is an earth within earth. The Black Shoen gang is recovering from their loss of the Adversary and trying to pick up their boots, but when a Black Seinen member dies it’s up to the reckless Black Shonen gang to investigate the death.
The Inspiration of Luna Pepper
Where her sister Sol is outgoing and always ready for a fight, Luna is opposite. Luna is timid and looks for Sol for her bravery. I wanted Luna to seem very dependent on other characters. Luna is someone who has been abused by her mentor at a young age, which gives long lasting impressions on […]
The Inspiration of Johnnie True Jr.
Johnnie is another character who is based off my own Persona. Johnnie represents my outlook on life. Johnnie Jr. is a man who is always aware of his whereabouts. Johnnie comes from an alternate reality where backstabbing and killing is the norm. When he gets to Isaac’s world he can’t understand the term of peace. […]
The Inspiration of Isaac True
Isaac True is the child part of me, he is the wide-eyed innocent boy who only wants to watch anime and play video games. Isaac is a boy who is filled with adventure. The young swordsman is always down to help his friends and protect them in their time of need. Isaac is basically my […]