Sir Isaac

I’m a man who discovered writing in the fifth grade. To me the concept of making your own story and characters was fascinating, it meant I had the ability to leave this world behind. I could craft something of my own design and read it, what a concept! I didn’t really understand the power of […]


As a child I was always fascinated by the many story elements belonging to Japanese animation or the most common name “Anime.” Anime taught me that unlike superheroes,  the main character had to go through daunting experiences and challenges to reach their wins. In the second episode of Dragonball Z the main character Goku dies. […]


Aside from the wondrous world of Anime, I am a huge nerd for old Sword and Sorcery and Sword and Planet novels. These are stories about a singular character challenging the unknown, most of the time only with a sword or gun by their side. This singular character will face foes such as aliens, dinosaurs, […]


Villains-The Villains I wanted to make mysterious. The Enlightenment to me sounds like a group full of themselves. They are a group of people who found out how to travel through worlds and steal inventions of importance, thinking it will take them to some sort of godliness. Organizations, cults, hell, sometimes even churches make real […]


 The Characters of Black Shonen are based on people I have met, friends, family, fictional heroes, and even me. For Example, the main character Juliet Valentine represents the women of my hometown, women with strong personalities and belief systems stronger than any religion. Women who aren’t scared to fight if they feel they are protecting […]


For the first book of Black Shonen I wanted to put a big focus on relationships. In the book the Black Shonen cast is the newest recruit of agents but they do have their rivals. The ultimate team of agents, their adult counterparts are the Black Seinen. Black Seinen is older, more experienced, and more […]

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